Tara King

Sale priceRs.1,200.00


Tara King 1kg, Active Ingeridents: NPK (5:15:45)

Tara King (5:15:45) is a micronutrient fertilizer essential for crop growth and development. It provides essential nutrients in small quantities but plays a significant role in plant health and productivity.


Tara King (5:15:45) is an efficient and cost-effective fertilizer for addressing nutrient deficiencies in soil. It offers a balanced nutrient profile and is beneficial for multicrop cultivation systems.

Tara King (5:15:45) contains a balanced combination of essential nutrients, specifically NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) with a ratio of 5:15:45. These three macronutrients are crucial for plant growth and development. Nitrogen supports leafy growth.Phosphorus aids in root development and flowering. Potassium is vital for overall plant health and fruit development.

The spectrum of Tara King (5:15:45) is characterized by its high potash content, along with the presence of nitrogen and phosphorus. This composition is specifically designed to support fruit retention and fruit filling in a wide range of crops. Potassium, in particular, is known to enhance fruit quality and size, improve resistance to diseases and environmental stressors, and contribute to the overall yield of fruits.


The mode of action of Tara King (5:15:45) is that of a growth promoter. When applied to the soil or directly to the plants, it provides the necessary nutrients that stimulate growth and development. The balanced NPK ratio ensures that plants receive a well-rounded nutrition profile, resulting in healthier, more robust growth, increased flowering, and improved fruit retention and filling.

In summary, Tara King (5:15:45) is a valuable micronutrient fertilizer designed to enhance crop growth and fruit development. Its balanced NPK composition, with an emphasis on high potash content, makes it an excellent choice for growers looking to optimize fruit yield and quality in multicrop systems. By promoting growth and fruit retention, this fertilizer contributes to higher agricultural productivity and improved crop outcomes.

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